Maria Motowylczyk (Moto-vil-chick) was born in the industrial East Midlands, she studied Graphic Design at the University of Wolverhampton. Following a career as a designer and illustrator she decided to return to University to progress her career in the arts.
Hill walking and a passion for the outdoors are the motivation and inspiration behind her work. 
Maria’s work begins with a series of observational drawings, the sketchbook is then analysed and a point of interest is then progressed into further drawings, or monoprint, or perhaps a painting. Typically she works in watercolour, charcoal, acrylic and plaster, occasionally using a combination.
Each piece of work is used as a starting point to be processed and developed, no piece is ever considered ‘finished’, but each work becomes a stepping stone to take on a further visual journey. Her work explores the drama and colour of the natural world and the ever changing weather patterns found in the UK. It celebrates the energy of storms, the snow and rain and the interesting colours and textures to be found in each season.
Maria has shown work at the Green&Stone Gallery, London, the Foxelowe Arts Centre, Fronteer Gallery, Water Street Gallery and Zillah Bell Contemporary. Selected for the Baltic Contemporary '24.
She was awarded 1st Prize by Peter Lord (Sculptor and Art Historian) at the Fishguard Arts Society Open 2017.

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